


《美人鱼》 / 2018年







高文谦:虚拟世界中的美人鱼 | SAP艺术大奖年度新锐艺术家


《pandora / 潘多拉》 2019年


Human was always tempted by the curiosity to explore the world. No matter how many possibilities we put forward to the future, how many kinds of catastrophe we imagine, no matter how many dangerous experiment, the curiosity of human will always try to open the Pandora’s box. There is a camera on the black box which is used to identify the detection the spectators, the (computer in the box) box produce electronic music by the number and position of the spectators, it creates an atmosphere of the mystery and science fiction. The “black box” is also a metaphor always used in domain of science.


《agenda / 日记》 2019年


I make a robot who guard the space of exhibition. The spectator, light, temperature, sound can influence its humor, I make a program for measure his happiness, it writes his diary for record its humor and reflection of life. This robot in the bottom of society print a page of its diary every 6 minutes.


《Sisyphus / 西西弗斯》 2019年



《食 / éclipse》 2019年


《时间分辨率 / résolution du temps》 2019年

时间分辨率是某些编程软件中的一个概念,指的是某个程序单位时间内的最大运算次数. 我借用这个概念,虚构了某个宇宙的基本规律, 讲述虚拟世界的时间法则。它或许也是常常影响我们现实世界的情感与社会节奏的虚拟世界背后的时间法则, 影片的构架是我挪用了大量已经存在的动画电影的素材,并加入自己将现实影像转描而成的影像,一个科普类纪录片般的旁白,影像却像是用动画电影展示的一个人关于爱情的回忆。

The resolution of time is a concept in some programming software, it means the minimum time of an operation of a program in a unit time. I borrowed this concept, and invented some basic rule of a universe to talk about the rule of time in the virtual world. It may also be the rule behind the virtual world who often affect our emotions and the social rhythm in the real world. I embezzled a large number of animation film already exist, and join the animation which I use « retoscope » to convert the image of real life into commercial animation movie style image, a narrator of science documentary, the image is about some memories of a person.


《planète》 2018年

我通过对卫星地图软件获取曾经居住过的城市的卫星图像,经过重新拆解,用3D贴图的技术 将他们制作成了一个个虚拟宇宙中孤立的小星球。

I use the satellite map software for get the satellite images of the city where I lived, has been dismantled, with 3d technology I make a few of small planet isolated in an universe virtual.


《Faire l’appel / 点名》 2018年


A sound program. It call randomly the names of audience who visit the exhibition (name of the invited audience from the social networking platforms such as “invitation” on facebook). Loudspeakers, represent the power, use computer simulate the voice of humain to call the names in the exhibition space, it looks like a kind of atmosphere: artificial intelligence make a concentration camp for human.


《bonjour, lune / 飞向月球》 2018年


《clock of countdown / 未來末日倒计时钟 》 2018年


Religions such as Buddhism always remind people to think about people’s lives. The earth in which human beings live is actually facing the danger of destruction. The former Soviet government allowed its people to sacrifice today for the future social ideals. Asteroid 99942 (also known as Apolfos, translated as Avatar or Apophis) may hit Earth on April 13, 2036, but the probability is small. I made this work, a doomsday clock, and he constantly reminded of a possible human end of the world. A moment that will make everything that will become meaningless. Whenever the crisis is close, how will humans allocate the proportion of life in the present and the future?


《tree for grandson(granddaughter / 给孙子的树)》2018年


I « planted » a tree for my grandsons and granddaughters in the virtual world.


《Tamagotchi / 电子宠物》 2017年

“妈妈,你在办公室么 ?


我已经在这个游戏里面呆了快一年了,你什么时候攒够足够的工资来支付它升级更新,或者把我转移到另外一个游戏里 ?



Mum, are you in office right now?I drew a picture for youI have been in this game for almost one year, how soon will you afford to upgrade this game or switch me to another game?Also, the player is too old to render as fast as your world.Six years have passed in your world, while only twelve months have passed in my world.You told me last time that the memories of children who died from car crash with me have been digitized and put in games,and I really want to play with them because I am too lonely myself in my game.Notre vie sont de plus en plus ressemble jeu vidéo. A cause de la vitesse de la Rendu de jeu , La fille morte qui vit dans le tamagotchi raconter le décalage horaire dans les deux mondes.


《The future lost / 丟失的未來》 2017年

像我们今天的人类对于未来一样,古代人对于未来(也就是我们今天)同样有着种种的想象和规划。我们无法知道今天的我们对于未来的设想能否会实现,但是我们不妨参考古代人设计的未来即我们的今天与现实的我们今天即古代人的未来之间的出入。我将古代18,19,20世纪的人类关于21世纪的设想的蓝图进行了梳理(建筑,科技,城市规划,生活方式等) ,将人类未能按照计划在当下时间点上实现和放弃了的计划重构了一个平行世界 。

Just as humans today imagine the world a century in the future, ancient humans also envisioned themselves in future scenarios where we are now today. There is no way for us to know whether the visions of the future can be realized, but we can predict it by referring to the discrepancy between past imagination by ancient people and the realities of today which were used to be future for them.I reviewed different versions about 21st century by ancient people in a differing centuries from the following points:architecture, technology, urban design and lifestyle.I constructed a parallel world according to what the ancient people have failed to accomplish and abandoned designs.


《24hours / 24小时》 2016年


I through the screenshots famous animation series <<Chibi Maruko Chan >> starts to make this work.I screenshots the picture of the clock of the protagonist’s school.Then I use the animation techniques make this clock work in 24 hours.The color of the sky changes according to time in 24 hours.In the exhibition site, the clock time and the real time is the same.The whole of the works is 24 hours, when the clock pointer refers to the top of the hour, there will be bells.



《The peacock / 孔雀》 2016年

道家认为人生是一场白日梦,人们被自己人为编织的梦想所操纵,然而人生确是一场荒诞的梦,循环往复. 片中呈现人们理想的构建,微妙,荒诞,焦虑,茫然的心理状态,并引入生物学里关于孔雀尾巴进化的争论, 借以追问生命的意义.我从童年学校的生活和心理状态的记忆开始, 将回忆和展现心理状态的画面混合成幻想的场景, 并对构架梦想的方式进行结构,用以呈现一个荒诞和迷茫的人生.

According to Taoist perspective on life, humans are controlled by their dreams, but these dreams are indeed ridiculous and moving in circle repeatedly. The film shows human being’s ideal construction and state of mind–delicacy, absurdity, anxiety, and confusion. It also involves the debate over peacock’s tail evolution in order to seek for the meaning of life.I mixed my memories about school life and mind of states in my childhood into imagination, and deconstructed the ways to constructing dreams.





高 文谦


2009–2013 就读于中国美院版画系

2015-2019 就读于 巴黎美院




– 关于展览 –


▲37th International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA), 蒙特利尔市,魁北克, 加拿大;










▲第五届艺术与科学国际作品展暨学术研讨会, 國家博物館, 北京 ;

▲第二屆 南京当代动画艺术文献展,南京;

▲廢托邦, 原美术馆,重庆;

▲SAP 艺术奖;


▲第九届Chalon tout court 短片电影节,巴黎;













▲個展“hello, world”;




▲ +-8华人独立动画展映,成都A4美术馆;

▲韩城金桢国际短片电影节,陕西韩城 ;


▲第3届柏林短片电影节 ,最佳短片电影;

▲第11届罗马尼亚anim’est 国际动画电影节;

▲第10 届巴黎动画电影节,中国独立动画单元;


▲第13届中国独立影展, 十佳实验短片,北京;

▲MACVAL 博物馆之夜 Vilmouth 时间,巴黎;






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